World Affairs


Iraqis paying a high price

Iraqis are paying a high price for failed policies of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki. The reality is that Maliki’s 10- year rule provided nothing except deaths, destruction and economic and financial disaster in the country. Iraq is the world’s second largest oil-producing country but because of unemployment and poverty the country’s population is finding it hard to meet the daily necessities of life.

Political observers believe that instead of solving people’s genuine problems Maliki is using present unrest to strengthen his rule and despite his poor performance the US and other countries are supporting him because they have few choices in Iraq. Despite the worst peace situation the Maliki government is not interested in dialogue and using force in Fallujah and Ramadi. The government is also using barrel bombs against the civilian population like Bashar al-Assad. Due to the government’s failed policies the country is divided along ethnic and sectarian lines and the central government has lost its control in several parts of the country. Sectarian violence is claiming the lives of innocent people on a daily basis. 

Khawaja Umer Farooq

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