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Loss of innocent lives

Despite claims of success against militants and the arrest of several key militant figures in different parts of Pakistan, security forces’ installations and investigation centers have become prime targets.
islamabad-rawalpindi freeway
islamabad-rawalpindi freeway (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
After several attacks, including the GHQ and Rawalpindi cantonment area, it is clear that concrete walls and hidden cameras can’t prevent them.
The government of Pakistan is still not able to catch local sympathizers of militants who are providing shelter and logistic support to those who carry out horrible attacks on government and civilian installation.
In a recent horrible attack a suicide bomber blew up an explosive-laden vehicle outside the interrogation center of the Special Investigation Agency killing several innocent people, including women and children. If government can’t prevent such attacks it can shift such types of sensitive installations and investigation centers outside cities so that innocent people and their property will not be at risk.

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