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The recent visit of the Indian External Affair’s Minister S M Kirishna got wide media coverage in Pakistan. Both countries agreed to ease visa restrictions, increase trade and resolve all disputes through dialogues. The reality is that despite frequent visit of key personalities from India no issues of longstanding have been resolved. Only cosmetics steps are being taken the speeches and media coverage will not bring any change in the region. Unfortunately, despite growing poverty, unemployment and rising prices of basic commodities both countries are still spending huge amount on arms purchase and the arms race is still going on between the two nuclear power rivals. Tension is still very high at the borders. In case of any terror activity on Indian soil, India accuses Pakistan, and Pakistan is seeing Indian hand in the growing unrest in Balochistan and other areas of Pakistan.Several key issues Kashmir, Siachen, construction of controversial dams, frequent acts of terrorism in both countries are also making things from bad to worst. Few months back Pakistan decided to move the International Court of Arbitration against the construction of the controversial Kishanganga dam. A proxy war is also going on in Afghanistan between both countries. Until and unless both countries are able to solve these genuine issues and longstanding disputes, dreams of peace can’t come true in the region. KHAWAJA UMER FAROOQ, Jeddah, September 9.

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